Harmonica Lee Oskar Major Diatonic in D flat
Lee Oskar Major Diatonic harmonicas are the standard harmonicas for blues playing. They can be played in the 1st position (straight harp) for folk or country, or in the 2nd position (Cross Harp) for blues, rock, pop or country. This harmonica is in the key of Db.
The major diatonic harmonicas were originally designed to play the simple folk music of the nineteenth century, and its design is suitable for this purpose. Major Diatonic harmonies have the most used tuning for Blues, Rock, Country, Folk and Jazz.
The original style of playing, known as the 1st position (Straight Harp), is suitable for playing simple melodies, folk music and various other types of music that ask for lines of melody with some chords. The 1st position (Straight Harp) is still used by many performers, but due to the simplicity of its sound, it is not as popular as the 2nd Position (Cross Harp).
With the later appearance of the blues, rock and country and appeared the need for greater expression. Harmonica players began experimenting and found that when they used mostly inspirational notes, there was a different kind of sound. This resulted in a new and more fluid playing style, known as 2nd position (Cross Harp). 90% of today's harmonica players use the second position for blues, rock, country and pop music.
The 2nd position (Cross Harp), is actually a blues scale that provides a more expressive and soulful sound. Many of the vanes can be folded (a technique known as bending, which is used to change the height of a note).
This Major Diatonic series has 16-tone harmonics (listed from bass to treble).
Low E, Low F, Low F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B, C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, F#, Hi G
- Harmonica major diatonic in Db
- The cases fit into each other and are removed by sliding, which facilitates the transport of several harmonicas
- The tunings are color-coded for quick and easy reference
- Durable plastic comb that is unaffected by temperature changes
- The sound is bright and balanced, projected at an excellent volume
- Large chambers and narrow partitions for easy play
- Mold accuracy protects vane plates and prevents air from being emptied
- 1st and 2nd positions clearly identified on both ends of the comb
- Replaceable, high quality brass vane reeds secure on the comb with 3 screws
- Tuned with A at 441+ Hz for brighter sound
- Equalized tuning by octaves, excellent for "single-note" solos