Melodias De Sempre 31 by Manuel Resende
1. São Macaio
2. Noite Feliz
3. Cantiga de Reis
4. À beira do Rio
5. Eu fui ao mar, à laranja
6. A lavadeira vai lavar ao rio
7. A Rabela
8. Era uma vez um cuco
9. Esta noite p' ra meu gosto
10. Ó bento airoso
11. Noite das estrelas
12. Anos bons
13. Nesta noite venturosa
14. Ó da casa, nobre gente
15. Noite de Reis
16. Os Reis
17. O Pai Natal deixou
18. Eu sou o coelhinho
19. Não te quero
20. Ó andorinha ligeira
21. Natal africano
22. Chamarrita da Terceira
23. Toma lá, dá cá
24. The first Nowell
25. Ding, dong!
26. Lá na noite de Natal
27. O pastor
28. Toc, toc, toc
29. Tanto chorei
30. Ailim, ai lim, ai lé
31. Cavaquinho
32. Olá seja quieto
33. Amor ferreiro
34. Três tempos
35. Libras
36. Um peixe no mar, eu vi
37. Nós de cá e vós de lá
38. Vira de Coimbra
Manuel Pereira Resende was born in S. João da Madeira in Portugal, in 1927.
With a lifetime linked to music in its most diverse facets, he has always shown a special affection for the accordion and its music, having been a teacher of this instrument for many years.
With the publication of this volume of the series Melodias de Semper, the author intends to make a contribution to the dissemination and promotion of Portuguese music in general and also of some universal themes that can be classified as "Melodias de Sempre".
With a lifetime linked to music in its most diverse facets, he has always shown a special affection for the accordion and its music, having been a teacher of this instrument for many years.
With the publication of this volume of the series Melodias de Semper, the author intends to make a contribution to the dissemination and promotion of Portuguese music in general and also of some universal themes that can be classified as "Melodias de Sempre".