Eurico Cebolo Método Música Mágica No 1 MM 1
This book Magical Music by Eurico Cebolo volume 1 is the first of a learning method for all ages. Learn music theory, solfeggio and writing the easy way.
- Title: Música Mágica - Teoria Solfejo Escrita
- Author: Eurico Cebolo
- Type: method
- Edition: author
Eurico Cebolo is a Portuguese musician, composer and writer, known for his numerous works dedicated to the learning of various musical instruments.
In 2011, he had published a total of 61 books, 51 of which were music manuals.
Eurico Cebolo passed away at the end of 2021. His work helped many national and foreign musicians learn to play various instruments, in particular the Portuguese guitar, cavaquinho, braguesa, mandolin and other traditional Portuguese instruments.