A Tune A Day Trombone Book 1 G Clef
By C. Paul Herfurth, Treble Clef Book 1. Since the publication of the first book A Tune A Day more than 60 years ago, this series of instructional guides has become the mainstay of beginning musicians and teachers. Each book encourages the development of an instrumental sound while providing an excellent foundation in music theory.
- Title: A Tune a Day Trombone or Euphonium
- Author: C. Paul Herfurth
- Series: A Tune A Day
- Instruments: trombone or euphonium
- Type: method
- Number of pages: 44
- Volume:1
- Edition: Boston Music Company
The presentation of the books allows the student to progress at a pace suited to their abilities and allows them to reach an advanced level of performance at the ideal time.
Equally effective for the individual or study groups, most books encompass instruments in modern combinations, from Flute to French Horn, from Saxophone to Sousaphone.